Friday, January 27, 2012

Cardio Circuit WOD

This workout is meant to be in addition to a weight lifting/resistance training routine. It is ideal for body builders who need to shred some fat in order to define their muscles or for the average run of the mill mom who doesn't have time to go to the gym. Any of these exercises can be done at home or at the gym.

(As many rounds as possible)
Standing high knees (30 seconds)
15 burpees
1 minute jump rope
1 minute touch the floors
30 squat jumps
50 mountain climbers
Sprints 30-50 feet

This is meant to be done as fast as possible with no breaks. For the sprints try and do them outdoors if possible that way you can sprint at a faster pace without having to worry about knocking anything over. Remember 30-50 feet is the distance of the sprint. I hope you guys find this workout to be helpful. Please try it and tell me how it felt in a comment.

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