So now that you are done with your two weeks negative practice you can now effectively identify your antecedents. Look at your results from the negative practice and attempt to identify any trends. For instance, if your trying to curb your tendency to overeat, look at the times in which you eat the most. Is it during the day or is during the night? Is it when you are at work, or when you're at home? Do you find that you eat when you are stressed, or when you are bored? How much on average do you eat when you overeat? Are there certain foods that you tend to over indulge in? Did you find that you don't overeat as much as you thought you did, or visa versa?
All of these factors should influence your antecedent identification. What you must do now is identify those antecedents and then make a list of them. Underneath each antecedent make sure that you write out at least a preliminary plan to overcome such antecedents. Go ahead and complete your antecedent identification.